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Miasto Ogród 2

A garden in the heart of the city







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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Novisa Development... czytaj więcej

Nasz handlowiec skontaktuje się z tobą w ciągu 24H :)


Miasto Ogród 2 – more green, more city!


The second stage of the investment is the perfect choice for those who want more. More space, more green and more city. Large 4 and 5-room houses of 111.52 m2 and 113.85 m2, green surroundings, intimate neighborhood, private gardens and proximity to urban amenities is a combination that will satisfy the most demanding.


The investment is located in Ożarów Mazowiecki, a short distance from Warsaw. Visitors are enchanted by the peace of this place and the ubiquitous greenery that you will have at your fingertips if you decide to live here. On the territory of the estate designed complexes of rain gardens, with a rich variety of plants, which will create a picturesque scenery from spring to autumn. Numerous recreational areas, including parks located in the heart of the city, will allow you to relax among greenery at any time of the day and year.

Easy access to sports facilities, educational facilities, shops and shopping centres in the area saves you time for really important things: meetings with friends, family trips, walks with the dog or evenings spent recharging the batteries with an interesting book or movie in a cozy seating corner arranged in the attic or on a spacious, over 19-meter terrace with a view of the city.

Do you dream that your everyday life will become better? Come and stay in Miasto Ogród 2 and see and see what good each day spent here will bring you.


Miasto Ogród 2 is a successful combination of modernity and tradition. Graphite frames and finishing accents contrast with the light gray facade and constitute modern elements, while the brick in warm brown and gray colors and the gable roof refer to the traditional architectural style. Large windows and above-standard height of the rooms guarantee good lighting of the interior. Each house has a living area with a living room on the ground floor and a private one on the first floor. Attention is drawn to a large bedroom, which additionally has a private bathroom and sometimes also a wardrobe. Middle segments have an attic and a spacious roof terrace.


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    Miasto Ogród 2

    A garden in the heart of the city


    Ożarów Mazowiecki is an enclave of greenery, and at the same time a fully modern city - everything you need for a comfortable life can be found in the area. The town gives residents access to shops, services, educational establishments, sports and recreational facilities. In the area you will find, among others Lewiatan, Żabka, Galeria Ożarów, a primary school, a kindergarten, a nursery, clinics and a pharmacy, a Sports and Recreation Center and a local Culture Center. You can get to any of these places in less than a quarter of an hour's walk.

    In the immediate vicinity of the residential complex, there are two picturesque parks, including the Oltarzev park with an area of more than 15 hectares with charming alleys, forests and ponds. For a longer trip, you can go to Kampinos Park - it is just 25 minutes away.

    Ozharov-Mazowiecki is separated from Warsaw by an almost invisible border. Thanks to excellent road infrastructure, including proximity to the S8 motorway, you can quickly reach the capital by car. Car owners have another reason to be happy - they will be able to park their car right at home without wasting time looking for a parking space. Each house has two convenient parking spaces - one outside and one in the garage.

    If you prefer to travel by public transport, you will be pleased that the nearest stop is only a few minutes walk from the estate. There is also a train station in the area, from where trains to Warsaw depart.

    Access to the investment The sales office is located in another location
    • Bus stop Bus stop
    • Clinic Clinic
    • Green areas Green areas
    • Kindergarten Kindergarten
    • Pharmacy Pharmacy
    • Playground Playground
    • Post office Post office
    • Railway station Railway station
    • School School
    • Shop Shop
    • Sport and recreation Sport and recreation
    • Kindergarten Kindergarten
    • Playground Playground
    • School School
    • Railway station Railway station
    • Bus stop Bus stop
    • Pharmacy Pharmacy
    • Clinic Clinic
    • Sport and recreation Sport and recreation
    • Post office Post office
    • Green areas Green areas
    • Shop Shop

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    Changes at the request of residents

    Your home is your dream. Surely you have an idea how to arrange the rooms so that the interiors meet the needs of you and your loved ones. We will make the changes you need according to your expectations after the opinion of the Architect in charge of a given investment. Submit any changes within 14 days of concluding the development agreement. Write them by hand on the technical appendices of the property and we will take care of the rest.

    • We remove walls in whole or in part, put them in a new location.
    • We change location of electrical and sanitary installation points.
    • We introduce floor heating.
    • We change location of radiators.
    • And much more! Contact our home improvement specialist today for details of our offer.

    Turnkey finishing works

    Gotowe Mieszkanie is a company specializing in comprehensive finishing of apartments and houses "turnkey". We believe in a holistic approach to interior design, which is why our team consists only of experienced professionals who ensure that the entire implementation process runs smoothly and according to the clients' expectations. We offer personalized designs, high-quality materials, a proven renovation team, and a guarantee of the quality of the work performed.

    In our projects, we focus on balance, functionality, and aesthetics. We listen to the needs and desires of our clients. We design beautiful interiors with a soul that can withstand the test of time and meet the expectations of even the most demanding clients.

    Our offer includes 4 finishing packages - INVEST, CLASSIC, STYLE, PREMIUM. In each of them, architects have selected the best building materials from their price range.


    Worth knowing

    • Zielony Ożarów

      W gminie Ożarów Mazowiecki znajduje się kilka ogólnodostępnych parków, najstarszy z nich pochodzi z początków XIX wieku. Na terenie parku znajduje się cenny starodrzew, pomniki przyrody i otoczone wysokimi skarpami stawy. Kolejnym parkiem znajdującym się w gminie Ożarów jest Park Ołtarzewski o powierzchnie około 15 ha. Tutaj przeważają urokliwe alejki i polany obsadzone rodzimymi gatunkami, przeważnie drzew liściastych. W północnej części parku znajduje się las i cztery malownicze stawy. Jeśli mamy więcej czasu możemy wybrać się na dłuższą wędrówkę szlakami rezerwatu „Wolica”, obejmującego obszar 50 ha, który swą nazwę zawdzięcza uroczysku i sąsiadującej z nim wsi. Gniazdują tu liczne gatunki ptaków i stale przebywa stado saren.

    • Zdjęcia z Marsa

      Wczesnym rankiem 6 sierpnia 2012 roku pasjonaci kosmosu na całym globie wstrzymali oddech. Do lądowania na Marsie podchodził łazik Curiosity. Było to długo oczekiwane sfinalizowanie międzynarodowego projektu i rozpoczęcie kolejnego etapu badania czerwonej planety. Swoją cegiełkę do kosmicznego przedsięwzięcia dołożyła również Polska. To właśnie w Ożarowie Mazowieckim zaprojektowano podzespoły do słynnego łazika, który już kilka chwil po udanym lądowaniu zaczął przesyłać zdjęcia. Jeśli więc planujesz zapisać dziecko na zajęcia z robotyki, to zdecydowanie dobrze trafiłeś. W Ożarowie Mazowieckim stawiają na przyszłość!


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    Brzeziny 6
    03-256 Warszawa

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    Nowa Wola

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    Ignacego Krasickiego 126
    05-500 Nowa Wola

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      (22) 545 70 20

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      10:00 - 15:00 (sob)

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