Miasto Ogród

Miasto Ogród – Your perfect home








Zrealizowane inwestycje - Miasto Ogród


Odsunięte od ulicy i wtulone w zieleń osiedle Miasto Ogród to zaledwie 16 domów w zabudowie bliźniaczej. 5 komfortowych pokoi o ponadstandardowej wysokości, otwarta kuchnia, 2 łazienki, pralnia i garderoba - to wszystko osadzone na 106,65 m2, zadowoliło nawet najbardziej wymagających klientów. Dzięki unikalnemu projektowi, każdy dom posiada narożny ogród. Rośliny wypełniły także teren osiedla – architekci zaplanowali tu kompleksy ogrodów deszczowych, o bogatej różnorodnej roślinności, które od wiosny do jesieni tworzą malowniczą scenerię.


Modern, minimalist shapes, warm gray plasters, flat roofs and large windows allow sunlight to fill the interior of the house and bring to mind the best modernist style designs. The buildings are made cozier by warm shades of brown and sand-colored bricks decorating the facade. The spacious, over 100-meters houses will surprise you with a friendly and intuitive layout of the rooms divided into two zones: daily on the ground floor and private zone on the first floor.


Estate plan

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Miasto Ogród
  • House for sale House for sale
  • House sold House sold
  • Parking place Parking place
  • Parking place in garage Parking place in garage
  • Gardens Gardens
  • Communal greenery Communal greenery
  • Entrance to the premises Entrance to the premises
  • Waste storage area Waste storage area

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    Miasto Ogród

    Miasto Ogród – Your perfect home


    The neighborhood where the housing estate is located combines the advantages of a rural landscape with convenient urban solutions. This is the perfect location, providing easy and fast access to the capital. Almost instantly you will get from the home to the S8 route and from there to the S2 route, which leads you straight to Warsaw. Car owners have one more reason to be satisfied - each house has one parking space in the garage and one external parking space. No more parking three blocks from the home. Your car will be waiting for you safely in the garage or in the driveway!

    You can also easily get to Warsaw by bus or train. Bus stops are only a few minutes away from the estate and reaching the train station will take you less than a quarter of an hour's walk.

    Parents will appreciate the wide range of educational institutions and proximity to the city's parks, sports facilities and playgrounds. Walks among old trees of the nearby Ołtarzew Park, will make more than one afternoon pleasant, and a bicycle trip to the Kampinos Park, 25 minutes away, is a proven successful weekend trip.

    You can do your daily shopping in one of the nearby shops, which you can reach in a few minutes on foot. The nearest Lewiatan is only 250 meters, Galeria Ożarów is even closer. If you want to buy fresh bread, you will only have to cross the street. For larger purchases, you can visit Carrefour or another large store, which are not lacking in the area.

    Access to the investment The sales office is located in another location
    •  Green area Green area
    • Bus stop Bus stop
    • Clinic Clinic
    • Kindergarten Kindergarten
    • Pharmacy Pharmacy
    • Playground Playground
    • Post office Post office
    • Railway station Railway station
    • School School
    • Shop Shop
    • Sport and recreation Sport and recreation
    • test test
    • Playground Playground
    • Kindergarten Kindergarten
    • School School
    • Railway station Railway station
    • Bus stop Bus stop
    • Shop Shop
    • Pharmacy Pharmacy
    • Clinic Clinic
    • Post office Post office
    • Sport and recreation Sport and recreation
    •  Green area Green area
    • test test
    • test test

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    • The company specialises in mortgages for the purchase of property in developer investments.

      We compare, free of charge, currently available credit offers of banks.

      We present our clients with those offers which best suit their needs. With us you will find the fastest loan for your dream apartment, and the whole process of obtaining financing for its purchase will be more comfortable and secure. Our experience, knowledge and competences translate into measurable effects and satisfaction of our Customers.

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        10 years of experience and knowledge
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    Changes at the request of residents

    Your home is your dream. Surely you have an idea how to arrange the rooms so that the interiors meet the needs of you and your loved ones. We will make the changes you need according to your expectations after the opinion of the Architect in charge of a given investment. Submit any changes within 14 days of concluding the development agreement. Write them by hand on the technical appendices of the property and we will take care of the rest.

    • We remove walls in whole or in part, put them in a new location.
    • We change location of electrical and sanitary installation points.
    • We introduce floor heating.
    • We change location of radiators.
    • And much more! Contact our home improvement specialist today for details of our offer.

    Turnkey finishing works

    Gotowe Mieszkanie is a company specializing in comprehensive finishing of apartments and houses "turnkey". We believe in a holistic approach to interior design, which is why our team consists only of experienced professionals who ensure that the entire implementation process runs smoothly and according to the clients' expectations. We offer personalized designs, high-quality materials, a proven renovation team, and a guarantee of the quality of the work performed.

    In our projects, we focus on balance, functionality, and aesthetics. We listen to the needs and desires of our clients. We design beautiful interiors with a soul that can withstand the test of time and meet the expectations of even the most demanding clients.

    Our offer includes 4 finishing packages - INVEST, CLASSIC, STYLE, PREMIUM. In each of them, architects have selected the best building materials from their price range.


    Worth knowing

    • Zielony Ożarów

      W gminie Ożarów Mazowiecki znajduje się kilka ogólnodostępnych parków, najstarszy z nich pochodzi z początków XIX wieku. Na terenie parku znajduje się cenny starodrzew, pomniki przyrody i otoczone wysokimi skarpami stawy. Kolejnym parkiem znajdującym się w gminie Ożarów jest Park Ołtarzewski o powierzchnie około 15 ha. Tutaj przeważają urokliwe alejki i polany obsadzone rodzimymi gatunkami, przeważnie drzew liściastych. W północnej części parku znajduje się las i cztery malownicze stawy. Jeśli mamy więcej czasu możemy wybrać się na dłuższą wędrówkę szlakami rezerwatu „Wolica”, obejmującego obszar 50 ha, który swą nazwę zawdzięcza uroczysku i sąsiadującej z nim wsi. Gniazdują tu liczne gatunki ptaków i stale przebywa stado saren.

    • Zdjęcia z Marsa

      Wczesnym rankiem 6 sierpnia 2012 roku pasjonaci kosmosu na całym globie wstrzymali oddech. Do lądowania na Marsie podchodził łazik Curiosity. Było to długo oczekiwane sfinalizowanie międzynarodowego projektu i rozpoczęcie kolejnego etapu badania czerwonej planety. Swoją cegiełkę do kosmicznego przedsięwzięcia dołożyła również Polska. To właśnie w Ożarowie Mazowieckim zaprojektowano podzespoły do słynnego łazika, który już kilka chwil po udanym lądowaniu zaczął przesyłać zdjęcia. Jeśli więc planujesz zapisać dziecko na zajęcia z robotyki, to zdecydowanie dobrze trafiłeś. W Ożarowie Mazowieckim stawiają na przyszłość!


    Contact Sales Office

    Contact us


    Sales office

    Brzeziny 6
    03-256 Warszawa

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      (22) 545 70 20

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      10:00 - 18:00 (pn - pt)

      10:00 - 15:00 (sob)

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    Nowa Wola

    Sales office

    Ignacego Krasickiego 126
    05-500 Nowa Wola

    • CMS

      (22) 545 70 20

    • CMS

      10:00 - 18:00 (pn - pt)

      10:00 - 15:00 (sob)

    • CMS

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    After-sales service -  Customer service