Pod Topolami

A comfortable life without compromise!








Comfortable living without compromise!


The climate of the countryside, combined with the convenient infrastructure and the city at your fingertips, is an ideal that many families dream of. It is not surprising that a well-connected, small settlement in Lesznowola is becoming increasingly popular among people looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the capital.

In this location, an intimate family estate "Pod Topolami" is being built. Surrounded by greenery, the investment located near the charming Park in Zamienie will count only 36 houses. Their sizes will be from 62.81 to 81.22 m2.

Timeless, universal colors of the facade and decorative elements in the shades of natural wood will create a harmonious whole with the greenery of home and private gardens. The large diversity of their sizes - from 24 to 242 m2, will allow to adjust the size of the green space to the needs of residents. The whole will fit perfectly into the local architecture, where single-family houses and small estates predominate.


The climate of the countryside, combined with the convenient infrastructure and the city at your fingertips, is an ideal that many families dream of. It is not surprising that a well-connected, small settlement in Lesznowola is becoming increasingly popular among people looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the capital.

In this location, an intimate family estate "Pod Topolami" is being built. Surrounded by greenery, the investment located near the charming Park in Zamienie will count only 36 houses. Their sizes will be from 62.81 to 81.22 m2.

Timeless, universal colors of the facade and decorative elements in the shades of natural wood will create a harmonious whole with the greenery of home and private gardens. The large diversity of their sizes - from 24 to 242 m2, will allow to adjust the size of the green space to the needs of residents. The whole will fit perfectly into the local architecture, where single-family houses and small estates predominate.


Estate plan

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    Pod Topolami

    A comfortable life without compromise!


    Families with children will appreciate the proximity of shops, a playground and park areas perfect for family walks. The nearest kindergarten is a 2-minute walk away, the nursery is a 4-minute walk away, and the newly built school on Waniliowa street is a 10-minute walk away. At the school there is also a kindergarten working from 7.30 to 17.30.

    There are also shops of popular retail chains such as Lewiatan or Biedronka, and for further shopping, you can go to Auchan, Designer Outlet Warszawa in Piaseczno or Janki Shopping Center. We can reach all of them by car in less than a quarter of an hour. We will park our car right in front of the house – each house will have one or two parking spaces.

    You do not know what to choose: a well-paid job in Warsaw, the most important amenities such as shops, kindergartens and schools at hand, or maybe a dream of a green corner, where you will find respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. A place where you can rest and regenerate? When you buy a house in the Pod Topolami estate, you don't have to give up anything. In this green place you will find much needed silence, peace and privacy. And thanks to the fact that it takes about a quarter of an hour to get to the city, you can easily combine work in the capital with a quiet life surrounded by nature. Your family life will benefit, and your personal development and career will continue to thrive.

    Access to the investment The sales office is located in another location
    • Bus stop Bus stop
    • Green areas Green areas
    • Grocery Grocery
    • Pharmacy Pharmacy
    • Playground Playground
    • Przedszkole Przedszkole
    • Railway station Railway station
    • Restaurant Restaurant
    • School School

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    Changes at the request of residents

    Your home is your dream. Surely you have an idea how to arrange the rooms so that the interiors meet the needs of you and your loved ones. We will make the changes you need according to your expectations after the opinion of the Architect in charge of a given investment. Submit any changes within 14 days of concluding the development agreement. Write them by hand on the technical appendices of the property and we will take care of the rest.

    • We remove walls in whole or in part, put them in a new location.
    • We change location of electrical and sanitary installation points.
    • We introduce floor heating.
    • We change location of radiators.
    • And much more! Contact our home improvement specialist today for details of our offer.

    Turnkey finishing works

    Gotowe Mieszkanie is a company specializing in comprehensive finishing of apartments and houses "turnkey". We believe in a holistic approach to interior design, which is why our team consists only of experienced professionals who ensure that the entire implementation process runs smoothly and according to the clients' expectations. We offer personalized designs, high-quality materials, a proven renovation team, and a guarantee of the quality of the work performed.

    In our projects, we focus on balance, functionality, and aesthetics. We listen to the needs and desires of our clients. We design beautiful interiors with a soul that can withstand the test of time and meet the expectations of even the most demanding clients.

    Our offer includes 4 finishing packages - INVEST, CLASSIC, STYLE, PREMIUM. In each of them, architects have selected the best building materials from their price range.


    Worth knowing

    • Piechotą do parku

      Jednym z ulubionych terenów spacerowych i rekreacyjnych mieszkańców Zamienia jest tutejszy zabytkowy park, znajdujący się przy ul. Zakładowej. To historyczna pamiątka po folwarku Zamienie, który istniał tu w XIX wieku. Ponad 200-letni park podworski jest ostoją dla wielu chronionych gatunków ptaków. W parku podziwiać można cenny starodrzew w tym 200-letni wiąz szypułkowy, który ma status pomnika przyrody. Od listopada 2018 roku park został objęty ochroną konserwatorską poprzez wpis do Wojewódzkiej Ewidencji Zabytków jako Zespół Dworsko-Parkowy Zamienie.

    • Nowoczesna szkoła w Zamieniu

      W Zamieniu funkcjonuje nowoczesna szkoła, w której 1 września 2021 roku naukę rozpoczęli pierwsi uczniowie. Nowo wybudowana placówka posiada doskonałe zaplecze edukacyjne oraz sportowo-rekreacyjne, a także własną kuchnię i stołówkę z jadalnią na 250 osób. Na uczniów czeka bogata oferta zajęć dodatkowych. Planowane są zajęcia teatralne, plastyczne, muzyczne, taneczne, sportowe, szachowe, językowe oraz robotyka i zajęcia rozwijające kompetencje z zakresu TIK. Przy szkole funkcjonuje plac zabaw dla młodszych dzieci a niebawem uruchomione zostanie boisko z pełną infrastrukturą sportową. Dyrekcja planuje też stworzenie dla uczniów zewnętrznej przestrzeni edukacyjno-rekreacyjnej, z małą salą lekcyjno-teatralną, alejkami tematycznymi, altaną i ławeczkami.


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    Sales office

    Brzeziny 6
    03-256 Warszawa

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      (22) 545 70 20

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      10:00 - 18:00 (pn - pt)

      10:00 - 15:00 (sob)

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    Nowa Wola

    Sales office

    Ignacego Krasickiego 126
    05-500 Nowa Wola

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      (22) 545 70 20

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      10:00 - 18:00 (pn - pt)

      10:00 - 15:00 (sob)

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