New Year's Resolutions - How to successfully learn at home

New Year's Resolutions - How to successfully learn at home

Learning and self-development have become one of the best and healthiest trends in recent years. The market is witnessing an increasing number of educational platforms, online universities, and webinar creators competing for attention.

Choosing a course is the first small step in the right direction. The next is to create a conducive learning environment in our homes, making it easier for us to cultivate good study habits.


Choosing the Right Study Space

What surrounds you during your study sessions can significantly impact your focus and effectiveness.
If possible, designate a space for a desk away from everyday traffic.

If you don't have a separate room for a study, consider placing the desk in the bedroom with its back to the bed.
It's essential not to have it within sight during your study time, as it may distract your concentration



Furniture, Lighting, Accessories


Opt for ergonomic furniture that provides comfort during your study sessions.
Avoid learning at a low coffee table; instead, invest in a desk with the right (preferably adjustable) height to maintain a proper sitting posture.
Studying on the bed is a common mistake made by many.
Our brains associate the bed with relaxation and rest, making it much less efficient for focused learning.


Charge/Connect your laptop, prepare headphones, notepads, writing supplies, and have a drink ready so that you don't have to leave and get distracted during your study session.


Natural daylight is best for our eyes, but we may not always have the opportunity to benefit from it.
Therefore, ensure natural bright light during your study sessions.
Place an additional desk lamp, especially when reading or writing.


Maintain order within your line of sight.
Avoid letting your thoughts wander between wiping yesterday's coffee stain and vacuuming the spilled soil from the plant on your desk.
It will be much easier to concentrate when there is order around you.




Eliminate distractions during your study time. Leave your phone in another room or set it aside to resist the temptation of checking Facebook or TikTok.

If you find it easier to focus with music, create a study playlist in advance so you won't be tempted to change tracks during your session.

If you prefer silence, ensure that family members won't disturb you, turn off the TV, and silence your phone – this is your dedicated time.


Breaks and Schedule


Before starting a course, create a schedule that is realistic and achievable.
Avoid setting overly ambitious goals at the beginning, as it may lead to discouragement.

Adopt the method of small steps.
Even small successes trigger positive emotions, a sense of accomplishment, and increase motivation.

If you haven't studied at home before, don't plan a daily study routine right from the start; it's too significant a change.
Start by trying to establish a routine, such as studying for two hours twice a week.
As time progresses, you can gradually add more hours to your schedule.

Remember to take short breaks.
Our minds cannot sustain continuous focus for two hours.
Plan intervals of 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break.

To relieve your eyes, especially after a computer session, go outside or look out the window and gaze at the greenery.
Try to shift your focus between objects at different distances—your eyes will thank you!


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