Parking spaces in Novis - this is worth knowing!

Parking spaces in Novis - this is worth knowing!

Drive  a little bit  to the left and STOP! Now drive a little bit forward STOP! Turn slightly left. A little bit! Uf. Now a little bit, a little bit, slow-ly. STOP! A little more backword. STOP! STOP! There it is!

Congratulations! You've just managed to park happily! You hear the family in the back letting the air out of their lungs loudly, without any fear of the driver getting distracted. Outside, your navigator, who  has been giving you directions for the last five minutes, is rubbing the sweat from his/her forehead. Without him/her you wouldn't be able to perform a front-page taloid  manoeuvre. Admittedly, the glare of the spotlight is missing, but you have the right to feel like a formula one champion. You've managed to fit perfectly into the last available parking space between the wall, the pillar and the cars packed like sardines in a tin. The momentary euphoria is gone when you realise that the parking manoeuvre alone took almost 15 minutes. And then there's the daunting task of getting out of the car.

The parking challenge

Do you know that feeling when you're pulling your stomach in with all your might and trying to squeeze between cars? You hold your shopping bag or laptop high above your head and breathe in and out of a car park filled with cars. You try your hardest not to get dirty on the muddy bodywork or catch your elbow on a protruding mirror. Sound familiar? If so, it means that you probably live or work (or both) in the capital city.

It's a well-known fact that in the city a scrap of free space is worth its weight in gold, and hunting for a parking space is a daily routine for most drivers. If, by any chance, you don't own one of the small city cars that squeeze into even the narrowest of parking spaces, but you are the proud owner of a large family car, your situation is even worse. You've probably spent a lot of time wandering the streets and alleys of a busy city centre, looking for a parking space. Maybe you've even given up and changed your plans just because you couldn't find a free space. Ultimately, you don't have to go to that trendy new restaurant. You might as well eat at a less busy eating place on the outskirts of town. After all, a spontaneous change of plans from time to time never hurt anyone, right? Worse still, if it happens to you almost every day! When, tired after a long day, you come home and, on a narrow street, just before entering the staircase of your building, you find a common sight in Warsaw: rows of cars parked bumper to bumper. You can't even squeeze a spanner between them, let alone park your car safely. Well, it looks like you have to look for a parking space somewhere else again.

And so, as you spin your fourth circle around the estate, you reflect on the fact that you'll get a loan for a new house faster than you'll find a parking space at your current address! It's possible that you're right. Unless you own a garage or a parking space in a garage hall, parking your car in Warsaw can cost you a lot of time and nerves. So why not consider buying one of those?

The price of a parking space in Warsaw

The cost of a parking space
in Warsaw, as is the case with prices for properties, depends very much on the location. Prices for an external parking space start from approximately PLN 15,000. In an underground garage we will pay on average between PLN 30,000 and 45,000 for a parking space, with prices reaching up to PLN 170,000. If you have two cars and want to park in the garage, you have to reckon with an expense of nearly PLN 100 thousand. Provided that you manage to buy as many as two spaces! The number of parking spaces available for purchase often depends on the size of the apartment itself. In most cases you can only buy one parking space for a small apartment. If your family owns two cars and you've decided on a small apartment, you'll probably have to park your second car in one of the public car parks. Alternatively, you can invest and buy a parking space or garage second-hand. Speaking of garages, their prices in Warsaw are not cheap either. You'll pay an average of PLN 50,000 for a single-car garage, and their availability is limited.

Find a perfect place to park

Let's go back to the beginning of our story.

Gently, so as not to scratch the car next to you, you open the door. You carefully extend outwards, first one foot then the other. Feeling firm ground, you slowly stand up and on your breath move to the left. You close the door, exhale, now sideways to the right, tightly pressing your arms against your torso, and that's it! You have managed to get out of the car. Fortunately, it's only a car park in front of a supermarket of a well-known chain store, where you and your family have gone to do some major shopping. You can breathe a sigh of relief. Now it's just a stroll with the trolley between the racks, a quick lunch in the food hall and suddenly the prospect of squeezing back into the car doesn't seem so scary. Your mood is improved by the fact that in front of your house in one of Novisa's housing estates in Warsaw, not one, but two comfortable parking spaces are waiting for you.

You can reach them through a wide alley where you can easily pass other vehicles. Parking and unpacking your shopping will not be a problem either. Each parking space is 2.5 metres wide and 5 metres long. These dimensions give you plenty of room to manoeuvre and freedom of movement. And the price is not exorbitant either. You'll only pay PLN 10,000 for an external parking space at Novis.

You can also park your car in the garage. Depending on the investment you can choose between one-, two- and three-car garages. When you decide to buy a garage, you gain certainty that your car is properly protected. Your car will not be intimidated by the sun, rain or hail in its safe four corners. You will enjoy its good condition for longer, avoid scratches or dents, and even theft. A garage is also an additional space for storing tools, bikes or folding garden furniture. So it's worth deciding to buy one. The price of a garage at Novisa Development is only PLN 30,000.

Whether you prefer to park outside, in the car park in front of your terraced house or in your garage, you can be sure that you won't waste a second looking for a parking space! It will always be waiting for you. In front of the house. Free!

Park with Novis!

Safe and convenient parking is one of the advantages of owning a detached house. Therefore, when deciding to buy a house, it is worth asking for details. To make it easier for you, we have gathered the most frequently asked questions by our customers and prepared answers to them. We hope that this will make it easier to choose the best option for you and your family.

  • How do I buy a parking space?

When buying a house from Novis, all you have to do is declare your wish to buy an external parking space or a garage. The price will be added to the total amount.

  • When I buy a house from Novisa Development, do I have to buy a parking space?

Yes, the purchase of a parking space is obligatory when buying a house.

  • Can I buy a parking space later??

Yes. As long as parking spaces are available, you can purchase them at a later date. However, there is no guarantee that the purchased space will be next to the house.

  • Can I cancel the purchase of a parking space if I change my min?

Once the developer contract has been signed, we do not provide for this possibility.

  • What is the cost of a parking space with Novis?

The cost of an external parking space with Novis is PLN 10,000.

  • How much does a garage with Novis?

The cost of a garage with  Novis is PLN 30,000.

  • Can I buy a parking space or a garage for each house offered by Novis Development?

You can buy at least one external parking space for each of our houses. The availability of garages depends on the chosen investment and property.

  • Is it possible and how much does it cost to rent a parking space at Novisa's car parks?

At the moment we do not envisage this possibility.

If you haven't found an answer to your question, you can contact us using the contact form or by phone: 22 699 98 15.

See for yourself how easy and enjoyable parking is at Novisa housing estates!

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